Metamask: How can I send a custom token with web3? [duplicate]
Submitting Personalized Tokens with Web3: A Step by Step Guide
As a developer who works with Web3, you are probably familiar with the basics of interacting with intelligent contracts and decentralized applications (Dapps). However, an important aspect that is often forgotten is to send custom tokens to users. In this article, we’ll cover how to send a custom token using Web3.js and demonstrate a simple example.
What is web3?
Before diving into the code, we will quickly review what web3 is. Web3 refers to the broader blockchain technologies that allow decentralized applications (Dapps). This includes cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, ERC-20 tokens and more. In this article, we will focus on sending a custom token using Web3.js.
Personalized token basics
A custom token is a type of cryptocurrency or digital asset created by an individual or organization. The cases of value, supply and use of token are unique to their creators.
Submitting Personalized Tokens with Web3: A Step by Step Guide
Here is a step -by -step guide on how to send a custom token using web3.js:
Step 1: Install the required packages
First, make sure you are installed on your project. You can install it via npm or wire:
NPM Install Web3
Or use yarn:
Wire Add Web3
Step 2: Define your web3 provider
In this example, we will use the Infura supplier for our Ethereum network. You can apply for a free [infura] account ( and replace https: // 'with the infura provider URL of your project.
Step 3: Create a custom token
Create a new file, for example,customtoken.jsand set the custom token object:
CONST Web3 = Requires (‘Web3’);
CONST Web3 = new Web3 (New Web3.Providers.httpProvider (‘
// Create a custom token with a unique symbol, address and equilibrium
Symbol: ‘My_Token’,
Address: ‘0xyourtokenaddress’,
Balance: Web3.eth.getBalance (‘0xyourtokenaddress’),
Module.Exports = Customtoken;
In this example, we created a custom token with an exclusive symbol (my_token
), an associated address (0xyourtokenaddress
) and an initial balance.
Step 4: Send the custom token
Now, let’s send the custom token to another user:
// Obtain the Ethereum address of the recipient of your portfolio or a third party service
ConstraDdress = ‘0xrecipientaddress’;
// Define the amount of tokens you want to transfer (in Wei)
// Call the transfer
method to the token object
Customtoken.Transfer (receptoraddress, quantity);
// If it is an error message, print
Console.error (‘Error Sending Custom Token:’, Customtoken);
In this example, we call the “Transfer” method on our custom token object to send a specified amount of tokens to another user with the “0xrecipientaddress” address. The variable “ValePurchaserepresents the amount of tokens you want to transfer.
Example of case use:
Suppose you have created a custom token called "Ethereum" and want to receive 10 units of it. You can follow these steps:
- Create a new file, for example,Ethereum.js
and define your Ethereum address:
CONST Web3 = Requires (‘Web3’);
CONST Web3 = new Web3 (New Web3.Providers.httpProvider (‘
module.exports = ‘your_ethereum_address’;
- Send the custom token to another user with your Ethereum address:
// Obtain the Ethereum address of the recipient of your portfolio or a third party service
ConstraDdress = ‘0xrecipientaddress’;
// Define the amount of tokens you want to transfer (in Wei)
CONST Value Purchase = 10;